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Business Office

Oak Park and River Forest High School District 200 has been widely recognized for its excellent financial stewardship on behalf of the residents of Oak Park and River Forest. The District has received accolades that include:

AAA rating. This is the highest possible credit rating, given by Standard & Poor’s to just 22 school districts in Illinois and 67 across the country. The rating indicates strong financial management practices that focus on multi-year planning and an ability to manage through all economic cycles, as well as a manageable debt burden. Having a AAA rating means lower borrowing costs for the District.

Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting. This is the highest recognition for school district financial operations given by the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). The certificate confirms that the District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for 2018-2019 has met or exceeded the standards set by ASBO International. This award represents a very significant achievement and reflects the District’s commitment to the highest standards of school system financial reporting.

ISBE Financial Recognition. The District received this recognition for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, from the Illinois State Board of Education. This award recognizes the strong financial position of the District in its management of annual resources and fund balances.

For information on District 200 budget basics, click here.

Contact Information

Tony Arbogast
Asst. Superintendent for Business Services

Brian Imhoff
Director of Finance

Kenneth Thomas
Director of Transportation and Purchasing

Cortnee Gutierrez
Business Office Coordiantor

Jaclyn Godwin
Payroll/Accounting Coordinator

Tanya White
Fiscal Clerk

Mary Beth Erickson
Fiscal Clerk

Marian Gerena
Administrative Assistant

Budget and Financial Reports

School Payments