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Faith's Law

Starting July 1, 2023, a new law took effect for all Illinois schools. Faith's Law is named after a prevention advocate and child sexual abuse survivor from Illinois who pushed for change to state laws related to educator sexual misconduct in K-12 schools. 

Sexual misconduct is defined as any act, including, but not limited to, any verbal, nonverbal, written, or electronic communication or physical activity, by an employee or agent of the school district, charter school or nonpublic school with direct contact with a student that is directed toward or with a student to establish a romantic or sexual relationship with the student. Such an act includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

  1. A sexual or romantic invitation. 
  2. Dating or soliciting a date. 
  3. Engaging in sexualized or romantic dialog.
  4. Making sexually suggestive comments that are directed toward or with a student.
  5. Self-disclosure or physical exposure of a sexual, romantic, or erotic nature.
  6. A sexual, indecent, romantic, or erotic contact with a student

Faith’s Law Resource Guide

ISBE has developed and maintains the Faith’s Law Resource Guide that includes guidance for pupils, parents/guardians, and teachers about sexual abuse responses and prevention resources available in their community, including the contact information of entities that provide services for victims of child sexual abuse and their families.

OPRFHS Employee Code of Professional Conduct

Oak Park and River Forest High School District 200 has developed and implemented an Employee Code of Professional Conduct in accordance with Board Policy 5:120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest in compliance with Faith’s Law.

Contact Information

Human Resources
Rooms 2164

Dr. Roxana Sanders
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources

Janel Bishop
Director of Employee Relations and Recruitment

Gabriela Mazzulla
Benefits & Compensation Coordinator

Olivia Meraz
Substitute & Leave Coordinator

Rachel Rivera
Human Resources Systems Specialist

Lynn Granzyk
Administrative Assistant


Mailing Address

Human Resources Department
Oak Park and River Forest High School  District 200
201 N. Scoville Ave.
Oak Park, IL  60302