Report a Concern
If you have information regarding a racial incident, bullying, sexual harassment, or other safety concerns and would like to report this information anonymously, please complete the Incident Reporting Form below to the best of your knowledge and submit.
For a definition of the terms below, please click here.
For guidance using the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) fact sheet , please click here.
- Racism*
- Anti-Semitism*
- Islamophobia*
- Discrimination*
- Harassment*
- Bullying*
- Cyberbullying*
- Sexual Harassment**
*PLEASE NOTE: Anonymous reports CANNOT be investigated. Please provide contact information and an OPRFHS staff member will contact you.
**PLEASE NOTE: Given the sensitive and serious nature of sexual harassment allegations, anonymous reports CANNOT be investigated. Please provide contact information and an OPRFHS staff member will contact you.
Students, please be aware that filing a false incident report could lead to consequences according to OPRFHS's Behavior Education Plan.
Outside School Hours
Submission of these reports is monitored by OPRFHS during school hours. If you are submitting a report after school hours and you believe someone is a threat to themselves or there is any imminent danger or other extreme concern, please call 911 or your local police department at one of the numbers below:
- Oak Park: (708) 386-3800
- River Forest: (708) 366-7125
24/7 Anonymous Hotlines for OPRFHS Students
- To report safety or crime-related concerns, such as bullying, racial misconduct, drugs, online threats, fights, weapons, theft, etc., text 274637. Use the key word OPRF, followed by a detailed text message. Our third party vendor will relay your anonymous message to OPRF staff.
- To talk to someone about you or a friend's feelings of sadness, confusion, anger, despair, etc., text 844-670-5838. Use the key word CARE to be connected to a Support4U community mental health professional for support.
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline: Call 1-800-273-8255.
- National Crisis Text Line: Text key word HELLO to 741741.
Incident Reporting Form