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Background Documents

Five-Year Pool and Facilities Plan Community Engagement Phase II Findings: Report on the feedback from the July 19 and 20 community meetings. Presented to the Board July 28, 2016.

Report on Quantitative Research: Results of a July 2016 community phone survey conducted by Fako Research & Strategies. Presented to the Board July 28, 2016.

Report on Potential Cost Reductions and Program Impact, Impact of Plan A Pool Size on Programs, and Potential Budget Shift from 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan: Presented to the Board July 28, 2016.

July 19 and Phase II Community Engagement Meetings Presentation (with presenter notes): Board, administration, and architects presented on three potential options for a five-year pool and facilities plan. July 19 and 20, 2016.

Long Term Facility Plan South End Options: Report from Legat Architects that includes three potential facility plans, each with a different pool option. Presented to the Board June 30, 2016.

DRAFT Long Term Facilities Plan Option Comparison Chart. Draft presented to the Board June 30, 2016. The Board requested additional information be added; click here for the revised chart.

Engineering Report on the Garage: Presented to the Board May 17, 2016. 

Long-Term Facility Plan: Report on three concepts, including pool options and costs. Presented to the Board May 17, 2016. To see a shorter version with just the concept drawings and costs, click here.

Pool Project Community Engagement Report: Report on the feedback from the more than 350 residents who participated in community engagement meetings about the pool in April 2016. Presented to the Board May 17, 2016.

Renderings of New Pool Options + Current Board-Approved Option: Presented to the public at community engagement meetings April 9-12, 2016. 

Comparison Chart Summarizing Pool Options and Costs: Presented to the public at community engagement meetings April 9-12, 2016. 

Proposed Parking Plan: Potential plan should the parking garage be removed as recommended in the current Board-approved pool plan. Presented to the Village of Oak Park Transportation Commission at its public meeting on Nov. 23, 2015. Village Board of Trustees would need to approve for plan to go into effect. No action has been taken.

Report on Intergovernmental Cooperation Amongst Oak Park Taxing Bodies: Details the many ways the IGOV group, which comprises the village taxing bodies, work together.

Contract with Legat Architects (contract with Henry Bros. Construction for construction management services was rescinded during final attorney review)

KLOA Traffic Study: Conducted to determine effect of vacating Scoville Avenue between Lake Street and South Boulevard, in order to incorporate a parking structure with Lake Street Athletic Field. Presented to the Board Oct. 1, 2014.

KLOA Parking Study: Conducted to determine whether area roadways could accommodate the parking demand currently served by the parking garage. Presented to the Board Oct. 1, 2014.

Stantec Report: Pool upgrade/relocation study, conducted by Stantec Consulting Services. Recommended single pool, with several potential site options. Presented to the Board in March 2013. 

Pool Community Natatorium Proposal: A report by community stakeholders on three potential pool solutions (eight-lane, 50 meters with diving well; eight-lane stretch; six- or eight-lane, 25 yards). Presented to the Board March 18, 2013.

Pool Location Idea & Concept: Stakeholder idea for relocating baseball to Lindberg Park.

Off-Campus Sports Needs: The requirements for baseball, softball, and tennis when searching for an off-campus relocation of each sport.

Aug. 19, 2014, Special Board meeting: Board of Education took public comment and examined research on several potential sites for a new aquatics facility. Information presented included:

Swimming Pool Feasibility Study, 2003: Conducted by Wight & Company Architects. Provided a broad overview of four possible pool options. 

Intergovernmental Agreement for the Parking Garage, 2003*

*Added to website Nov. 17, 2017