Other Academic Programs
Internship/Independent Study
Independent Study is a program intended to meet the needs of students who have demonstrated a high degree of academic maturity and who possess the aptitude to pursue coursework with substantially reduced student-teacher interaction. Students who apply for and are accepted into this program are fully responsible for sustaining the Independent Study until its successful conclusion within the specified semester and school year.
In this program, students may pursue academic credit under the supervision of a teacher endorsed or certified in the subject area being studied and may complete credit requirements without attending regular class sessions. Independent Study provides opportunities for academic enrichment beyond that which is offered in the published curriculum or accessibility to sequential coursework that cannot be scheduled into the student's daily schedule
A student may only take one Independent Study course per semester, and no more than four credits of Independent Study may apply toward graduation, unless approved by the Director of Student Learning. No course specifically required for graduation may be taken as an Independent Study, nor may specific state mandates be satisfied through Independent Study. Furthermore, students may not exceed identified course load limits during a given semester through the use of Independent Study without the approval of the Director of Student Learning
Any student interested in pursuing Independent Study should consult with the sponsoring subject matter teacher, division head, and counselor. Final approval of the Director of Student Learning is required and the Independent Study will be scheduled for 9th period, which confirms the substantially reduced student-teacher interaction.
To apply for Internship/Independent Study, complete the following steps.
- Complete the 2025-2026 Independent Study Application. Students will need to download and save to their device. Only typed applications will be accepted.
- Once the application is complete including signatures, submit the application electronically via the Google Form for 2025-2026 Independent Study Application. The Google form requires that the student submit the application as a pdf.
Acceptance to the Independent Study Program will tentatively be announced during the week of May 26, 2025, however, changes may occur over the summer.
Deadline to submit application for either semester in the 2025-2026 school year is April 25, 2025.
SILC (Senior Instructional Leadership Corps)
The Senior Instructional Leadership Corps (SILC) program allows interested and experienced seniors to partner with a mentor teacher and work as an instructional assistant for one class during one semester or one school year in that teacher’s classroom.
Students interested in pursuing the SILC program typically select a course they have already taken or for which they have a particular aptitude, as well as a teacher with whom they have developed a good relationship.
The senior and the mentor teacher work together to define the roles and responsibilities of the SILC as well as to develop an evaluation plan designed to help the student acquire and hone leadership skills. Students earn one (1) elective credit, evaluated on a pass/fail basis, upon the successful completion of their SILC semester.
To apply for SILC, please complete the 2025-2026 Application
Cooperating teacher assignments for accepted SILC students are tentatively scheduled to be announced during the week of May 26, 2025, however, changes may occur over the summer.
The application deadline for either semester in the 2025-2026 school year is April 25, 2025.
Late applications will not be accepted for any reason.
Study Abroad
Thinking of traveling abroad this summer? The following programs offer travel opportunities all over the world. Students can apply for scholarships through the organizations and/or through the OPRFHS Alumni Association's Bobbie Raymond Summer Enrichment Grants.