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Fine and Applied Arts

For course listings, please see page 43 in the Academic Catalog.

Click here for a list of extracurricular performing arts activities.

Click here for the 2024-2025 performing arts schedule of events.

Students enrolled in the Fine and Applied Arts (FAA) Division develop their creative and career potential through a broad range of courses. FAA comprises classes in several different departments:

  • Classes in the Visual Arts Department, Music Department, and Theatre/Broadcasting Department encourage students to express themselves and to develop those skills that communicate their individual ideas.
  • Classes in the Family and Consumer Sciences Department and the Business Education Department introduce students to a wide range of potential career paths.

FAA classes can be for students who are beginners, who want to explore new fields, or who are quite advanced; courses exist for all interests and levels of accomplishment. Some courses are studio oriented and/or very hands-on, others are rehearsal and performance based, and others are classroom-based explorations. In many instances, courses build on one another; these prerequisites make it easier to develop and improve one’s expression, knowledge, and skills. Please note that some Music and Theatre/Broadcasting courses require attendance and performance at concerts outside of school hours.

Contact Information

Fine and Applied Arts
Room 2108
(708) 434-3719

Matthew Prebble
Interim Division Head

Janae Dabney
Division Secretary