Math Summer Enrichment Programs
S200 – Math 8 Topics Review
Designed for students who tested into Math I Accel or Math I with Extended. This course is a review of pre-algebra topics. Upon successful completion of this course, students may be eligible to move from a recommendation of Math I Accel to Math I, with or without Math I Extended OR from Math I with Math I Extended to Math I without Math I Extended.
S201 – Math I Topics Review
Designed for students recommended for students who have completed a full of Algebra or Math I, but has been recommended to repeat Math I and wants to bump-up into Math II, OR has been recommended into Math II and wants to bump-up into Math II A. This course includes the studies of integers, rational and irrational numbers, solving equations and inequalities, linear equations and functions, systems of equations, exponents and exponential functions, the foundations of geometry, parallel and perpendicular lines, transformations, and statistics. This course is designed to review the entire year of Math I.
S2221 & S2222 – Math II Summer Intensive
Prerequisite: Open to students currently taking Math I (212), recommendation from current math teacher, and have a qualifying STAR math score.
This course is intended for good mathematics students who covered Math I in 9th grade. The course content includes: Exponents and roots, polynomials and factoring, quadratic functions, solving quadratic equations, quadratic equations and complex numbers, relationships in triangles, quadrilaterals and other polygons, similarity and right triangles, probability, coordinate geometry, circles, and three dimensional models. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for Intermediate Algebra A or Advanced Algebra A.
S2501 - Introduction to Computer Science
This course provides an introduction to computer science programming. Students will discover the theory and power of computers by learning to write computer programs to conduct experiments and solve practical problems. The course will focus on several programming languages to facilitate students' learning of computer programming solutions. Languages include Scratch, Android App Inventor, and Python. The course prepares students for the more rigorous AP Computer Science or Honors Computer Science courses. Most of the work for the class will be done during class time in a computer lab setting under the supervision of the teacher. Some laboratory time outside of class may be required; a home computer with Internet access can serve this purpose. A Google Chromebook is required. Successful completion of this course will fulfill the applied arts graduation requirement. This class will be graded.
For more information regarding Summer Enrichment Experiences, please contact Mathematics Division Head Dr. Julie Frey (