Special Education staff will coordinate student transportation around your family plan using our bus routes and provider, Grand Prairie Transit (630-655-8739). In addition, the Special Education Division will continue to monitor all issues and concerns you may encounter so we can address them with the companies immediately. If you have any issues with or questions about pickups or drop-offs, please contact Special Education Transportation Secretary Leah Carlin at (708) 434-3597 or
Field Trips and Community Outings
All TEAM teachers and teaching assistants are required to get the bus driver's license in order to be certified to drive the buses and vans. For community outings, field trips and off campus work sites, students will be transported by OPRFHS staff and vehicles.
Late Arrival Wednesdays
On many Wednesday mornings, faculty and staff participate in staff development prior to the school day. On these days students have late arrival, with first period beginning at 9:12 a.m. (Please refer to school calendar for these days.) Bus service will be provided on these days, but at a later pickup time. Opportunity Knocks provides sessions of Morning Opportunities; parents are responsible for getting their students to school at 8:00 a.m. to participate.