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Immigration Information

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Updates from the District

Jan. 27, 2025

Dear OPRF High School Students, Staff, and Families,

In light of recent immigration policy updates, I want to assure you that Oak Park and River Forest High School remains committed to upholding our policies that ensure no student or family is discriminated against, harassed, or bullied because of their race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, or immigration status. It’s critical that we do all we can to make OPRF a safe and welcoming environment for all of our students. 

Federal Policy Change regarding Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Last week, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced that it will end a longstanding federal policy under which schools have been considered “sensitive locations,” where Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents have been restricted from carrying out enforcement actions (with some exceptions). As a result, in the event that any immigration officials do come to the school, we have established procedures so that our safety and security team and administration are well prepared. 

Homeland Security has not yet released the text of the new policy. However, what we do know is that currently, the circumstances under which ICE can enter a school without permission require authorization by a court. Without such a court order requiring the District to allow entry, we will not give permission to enter.

I also want to share that, based on Illinois and federal laws, we do not collect any information about a student’s or family’s citizenship or immigration status. Furthermore, FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) and ISSRA (Illinois School Student Records Act) prohibit sharing any protected information that we do maintain in a student’s record. 

As we receive more information about federal policy changes related to schools, we will continue to review our own protocols and provide the appropriate school-based staff guidance on how best to protect our students, staff, and families.

Update Emergency Contact Information
We strongly urge families to review your child’s emergency contact information in Skyward, and include as many contacts as possible. Having up-to-date emergency contact information can be useful in the event that a parent or guardian is detained by ICE. If you need to update this information, please email

It’s a good idea to make sure your child has access to emergency contact information if you’re not available. Have them put contacts in their phone and keep copies of a written list too.

Protecting Your Mental Health
For our students who may be experiencing anxiety and fear related to new federal policies, we have mental health resources available. Please reach out to your child’s counselor or social worker to ensure your student receives the support they need. Click here to find their contact information on our website.

We’ve posted a list of immigration resources on this page, and we will continue to communicate with you as this situation evolves. Please know we remain fully committed to providing a safe and welcoming learning environment for all our students. 


Dr. Greg Johnson