Maps, Directions & Parking
Oak Park and River Forest High School is located in a residential neighborhood. Please be respectful of our neighbors when visiting the school. Specific directions to the school and information about parking are available from the index to the right of this page.
Visitor and Accessible Parking
- Free one-hour visitor parking, including accessible spots, available as posted on the west side of Scoville Avenue and south side of Ontario Street.
- Paid parking in garage at Scoville Avenue and Lake Street.
Limited free garage parking for longer appointments during school days with a temporary pass provided by the Welcome Center. - $5 parking for Village of Oak Park scheduled events.
Staff Parking
- Parking garage at the corner of Scoville Avenue and Lake Street.
- Pilgrim Church lot parking.
- High school side of the Linden/Erie perimeter.
Student Parking
Around the perimeter of the Lake Street field On the north side of Lake Street next to the parking garage and the football stadium On the two blocks on South Boulevard located on both sides of Scoville and East Avenues.