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Family Access

For attendance concerns, contact the Attendance Office (708-434-3104). For discipline questions, contact your student's deans of students.

Family Access (Skyward) is similar to the PowerSchool portal used at the Oak Park and River Forest middle schools.  It is our online parent/guardian portal for viewing/updating your contact information, checking your student’s grades and attendance, paying school fees, adding money to your student’s lunch account, and communicating with your student’s teachers.    For more informatiopn about Family Access (Skyward) please click here .

Teachers have been asked to update their grade books every two weeks. Keep in mind that different classes have different numbers of graded assignments. The number of grades in a teacher's gradebook will vary depending on the subject, time of year, and level of the class. If you have specific questions about a class, please contact your student's teacher directly. 

Family Access FAQ

How do I get my Family Access login information?

If you remember the e-mail address you entered during online enrollment you can use it to retrieve your Family Access login ID and password.  Click here to go to the “Forgot your Login/Password?” link.  Check the box to show that you are not a robot.  Then enter your e-mail address.  Finally, click the “Submit” button.  click the “Submit” button.  You will see a pop-up message.  Click OK.  You will then receive an e-mail with your name, user ID, and a link that you can use to reset your password.  Letters are sent out to parents/guardians of all active students every year, usually during the month of July with Family Access login IDs and e-mail addresses we have on file.

I don’t remember the e-mail address I used during online enrollment and I need my Family Access login information.

Please access the Parent Portal for Incident IQ to create an account and submit a ticket.  Please include your student’s name and student ID or date of birth (only for security purposes).  We would be happy to assist you.

How do I log in to Family Access?

Go to the Family Access login page.  The link can be found here.  Enter your user ID and password.  Click on the “Sign In” button.

If you do not have a computer at home, a computer is available for families to use in the Welcome Center, immediately inside the Main Entrance. Welcome Center hours are generally 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. Please be sure to have your login and password information with you.

How do I reset my Family Access password?

Click here to go to the “Forgot your Login/Password?” link.  Check the box next to “I'm not a robot”.  Then enter your e-mail address.  Finally, click the “Submit” button.  click the “Submit” button.  You will see a pop-up message.  Click OK.  You will then receive an e-mail with your name, user ID, and a link that you can use to reset your password.  If you have trouble resetting your password, please access the Parent Portal for Incident IQ to create an account and submit a ticket.  Please include your student’s name and student ID or date of birth (only for security purposes).  We would be happy to help you.

I am having trouble logging in to my Family Access account.  What do I do?

Please be aware that the system will lock you out of your account if you try to log in with the wrong password more than four times.  You will get the following message: “Your account has been locked due to exceeding the maximum number of login attempts allowed…”  If this happens, please access the Parent Portal for Incident IQ to create a help ticket and we will unlock your account for you.  You can also unlock your Family Access account by resetting your password.  The link to do so can be found here.

Is my login information for Family Access the same as my login information for the Webstore?

No.  These are separate systems and require separate login IDs and passwords.  Your login ID for the Webstore will always be an e-mail address.  You can reset your Family Access password by clicking here.  You can reset your Webstore password by going to this page here.  Click on “LOGIN” near the upper right corner.  Then click on the “Forgot password?” link and follow the instructions.  You can always contact Family Access for assistance by accessing the Parent Portal for Incident IQ .

I get a warning about pop-ups when I log in to Family Access.  Should I be worried?

No.  Skyward was built to run in a window that “pops up” in your browser.  It is safe to enable pop-ups.  Instructions for doing that depend on which web browsing program you are using.  Some examples can be found here: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.  If you don’t want to enable pop-ups, you can just click “Retry” when you see this warning.

Can my student see the same information that I see in Family Access?

No.  Parents/guardians have more options in Family Access.  For example, parents/guardians are the only ones who can pay fees and add money to a student’s lunch account.  Parents/guardians are also the only ones who can change student information (such as off-campus lunch privileges), family information (e.g., parent’s/guardian’s e-mail addresses), and emergency contact information.  For this reason, you should never share your Family Access login information with your student.

The information you have on my student is wrong.  How do I change it?

Please log in to Family Access.  Click on “Student Info” on the left side.  Towards the upper right corner, click on the link which says “Request Changes for ”.  From the list shown, please click on the area that houses the information you would like to change (e.g, Student Information, Family Information, Emergency Information, etc.).  Make any changes you would like to make and then click “Save” in the lower right corner.  If an option is greyed out, that means that you cannot change the information yourself.  Please contact Family Access by accessing the Parent Portal for Incident IQ to create a helpdesk ticket in order to change the information.  Please note that all address changes need to go through the Registrar’s Office.  They can be reached by e-mailing

How often should I log in to my Family Access account?

The more supervision your student needs, the more often you should check. But, we suggest sitting down with your student and checking grades at least once a week. Pick a standing time to check in so your student expects that you’ll be monitoring his or her work.

I would like to change my student’s off-campus lunch permission

Please log in to Family Access.  Click on “Student Info” on the left side.  Towards the upper right corner, click on the link which says “Request Changes for ”.  Click on “Student Information.”  Change “Off Campus Lunch” to either “Yes” or “No” and then click “Save” in the lower right corner.  Please note that only juniors and seniors can leave campus for lunch.

I would like to change my student’s permission for sending information to the military

Please log in to Family Access.  Click on “Student Info” on the left side.  Towards the upper right corner, click on the link which says “Request Changes for ”.  Click on “Student Information.”  Change “Military” to either “Yes” or “No” and then click “Save” in the lower right corner.

I would like to change my student’s permission for publishing information in the Student Directory

Please log in to Family Access.  Click on “Student Info” on the left side.  Towards the upper right corner, click on the link which says “Request Changes for ”.  Click on “Student Information.”  Change “Student Directory” to either “Yes” or “No” and then click “Save” in the lower right corner. 

I would like to change my student’s permission for releasing information to the media

Please log in to Family Access.  Click on “Student Info” on the left side.  Towards the upper right corner, click on the link which says “Request Changes for ”.  Click on “Student Information.”  Change “Media” to either “Yes” or “No” and then click “Save” in the lower right corner. 

I need to make a purchase and I don’t have an account for the Webstore.

Click here to go the Webstore.  Click on “Login” near the upper right corner.  Click on the “Create New Account” button.  Fill out the blanks to provide the required information.  Click on the “Create Account” button at the bottom of the screen.  You can now use your Webstore account to make purchases.

How do I pay fees at the beginning of the school year?

You must log in to Family Access in order to pay fees.  Once you log in to Family Access, click on “Fee Management” on the left side.  Click on the “Make a Payment” link.  or each fee, click the “Add to Cart” button to pay the entire fee.  Or, you can enter an amount to pay a portion of the fee.  NOTE: You must have a payment plan set up with the Bookstore.  Click the “Add to Cart” button again.  Check out.